Cardiff and Barry-based law firm, Robertsons Solicitors has ranked in The Legal 500 for 2023. This prestigious guide provides up-to-date information on the very best firms operating in legal services and is updated annually with the latest edition published in September.
The firm features for its family law services with several members of staff featuring including:
Chris Barber (Director and Resolution Specialist accredited), Hannah Magee (Associate Director, High Net Worth Specialist, Family Law accredited), and Lisa Shrimpton (Senior Associate, Family Law Advanced accredited).
Firms can only achieve ranking after in-depth and extensive study by the directory’s team of researchers, through peer interviews and reviewing feedback from clients and to feature is a high accolade indeed.
‘I am delighted to see Robertsons Solicitors listed in The Legal 500 for 2023 where ranking cannot be bought and entry is purely by reputation alone,’ said Managing Director, David Paddison.
The firm’s entry highlights important key aspects of its service including
‘first-class legal services in all aspects of family law, from advice on high-net-worth matrimonial finance matters to challenging children cases.’, and goes on to describe the team as calming, capable and constructive.
Robertons’ Legal 500 entry can be found here.