State and Private School Disputes

Welcome to our State and Private School Services

Our team of experienced solicitors support children, parents and caregivers on a broad range of school matters. Whether you are facing challenges with school admissions, academic misconduct, school exclusions or private school disputes, we are here to help you navigate these complex situations.

School Admissions Appeals:

If you have received an unfavourable school admissions decision for your child, we understand the frustration and disappointment it can bring. Our dedicated team will provide you with expert advice and representation throughout the appeals process. We will help you understand the steps involved and assist you in presenting a compelling case to maximise your chances of a successful appeal.

Academic Misconduct:

Facing allegations of academic misconduct can have serious consequences for students. Our academic misconduct solicitors are well-versed in handling such cases and will guide you through the disciplinary proceedings.

School Exclusion Appeals:

If your child has been excluded from school, it can be a distressing and challenging experience for both you and your child. Our team is here to support you in appealing the school’s decision. We will provide you with comprehensive advice helping you understand the appeals process and presenting a strong case to challenge the headteacher’s decision.

Private School Disputes:

Private schools often present unique challenges when it comes to resolving disputes. Our solicitors specialise in handling private school disputes and are familiar with the complexities involved. We offer personalised assistance tailored to your specific circumstances, guiding you through the process and helping you achieve a successful outcome.

If you require assistance or have questions about other school-related matters, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with our team. We are committed to providing you with professional and reliable support to help your child regain their focus on education.

Our Expert Team

Our expertise is how we maintain our strong reputation as a law firm.

Meet The Education Law Team