Taking back control through Mediation.

It’s natural to think that when a dispute occurs and solicitors become involved, that the only possible outcome is a costly court case, from both a financial and emotional perspective.

But there is another way.

Mediation is the process where, with the help of a third, neutral party, both sides can negotiate an agreed outcome thereby taking back some degree of control over the situation.

The environment a Mediator creates means that the parties involved reach an agreement through facilitated discussion much more quickly and cost-effectively than through the courts.  It’s often thought of as a method of reconciliation and can be used in many civil or commercial situations – a dispute over a Will or disagreement over a Shareholder Agreement, for example.

Who can use mediation?

Mediation can be used by anyone – whether they are family members, neighbours or business partners.  And there may be more than one party involved on each side.     

When is mediation appropriate?

Mediation is recommended when there is a civil or commercial disagreement that cannot be resolved without the intervention of a third party (a mediator or the courts).

What are the benefits of mediation?

Mediation is not a soft option but it does open the door to better communication and ultimately provides better flexibility and control over decisions. It can also lay the groundwork for improved future relationships. Other benefits are that:

  • it a less stressful method of dealing with matters that have become sensitive
  • it offers a speedier and less expensive method of resolving disputes
  • it can improve communication and facilitates better relationships in the future
  • enables both parties to have a say and be heard.

What actually happens during mediation?

The Mediator facilitates and manages the communication and negotiations and is entirely impartial. Their aim is to find a common ground between both parties.  A Mediator may work from room to room if the parties involved cannot sit near each other, or work with all parties around the same table.

Mediation is often preferred but isn’t always the best option for everyone and it’s crucial to seek legal advice before entering into a mediation situation.  And that’s what we’re here for.

If you’re considering mediation for a civil or work-based situation and would like to discuss your options, please contact us on 029 2023 7777 or email us at law@robsols.co.uk. Our experienced Mediation team will be happy to explain the mediation process and help you understand the options available to you.


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