Explaining your children law rights
Divorce and the breakdown in relationships usually involves children, and this can be a challenging and painful process for all concerned. When thinking about how to get a divorce or ending a relationship, many parents struggle to make decisions around arrangements for children. They value the opportunity to explore their options with a trained expert in family law who can help them understand their options as well as providing a detached but sympathetic approach to the divorce and separation process.
However, the separation can often impact on wider family members such as grandparents. They may find themselves in a position where they have reduced time with the grandchildren or even one parent stopping contact completely.

How divorce & separation affects children
Whether you are married, in a civil partnership or cohabiting, you are likely to find that the residence and contact of the children becomes a key feature of separating from your former partner.
Child maintenance issues continue to bedevil families long after they separate. Grandparents’ rights can also be contentious and the entire field of divorce & separation advice is one in which a sensitive approach to families, balanced by a clear-headed understanding of the legal framework of Child Arrangements Orders, can help free families from the frustration and fear of divorce and separation. At Robertsons Solicitors, we can help you better understand your position and make the right decisions for you and your children.
You can also visit our divorce and separation page to see how we can provide expert advice if needed.