Landlord & Tenant

The Landlord/Tenant relationship

Friction between tenants and landlords is not uncommon. Fortunately, most of the time, one can resolve issues harmoniously. 

However, in some cases, you will need the expert, and professional advice of a landlord/tenant dispute solicitor, as disagreements between landlords and tenants can often get emotive and be time-consuming. Robertsons Solicitors are specialists and highly experienced in several methods of conflict resolution.  

We can advise you on the best course of action in a landlord/tenant dispute and will always recommend trying to resolve matters through negotiation, mediation, or arbitration. We can also act on your behalf should the issue go to court.  Our clients range from property investors with large portfolios to residential tenants with only a few properties. We understand the challenges faced from all sides of the spectrum.

We can advise on several tenant and landlord matters, including:

  • Landlord deposit disputes;
  • Tenant and landlord responsibilities and obligations to each other;
  • Rent and service charge recoveries for commercial as well as private property;
  • Disputes over property management, and more.

Preparation is key

Laying the correct groundwork is often the best way of tackling possible landlord/tenant disputes. As a landlord, you should know the law inside out and keep abreast of the latest changes in housing laws.  

Robertsons Solicitors can be your partner in this.  We can help prepare your tenancy so that the chances of disputes happening are minimised. On the rare occasion of a dispute, we can also handle complicated negotiations for you, bringing landlord disputes to a satisfactory conclusion every time.  

Get in touch with us. Call us to find out how one of our property dispute solicitors can help you. Our landlord and tenant solicitors are well-versed in the Landlord and Tenant Act of 1985, and we’ve helped various landlords and tenants with disputes over England and Wales. So don’t let property disputes be disruptive and time-consuming.  We can help.  

Landlord Tenant Disputes FAQs

It is not always easy to avoid disputes, but it can be wise to conduct due diligence at the start of a tenant/landlord relationship. This goes for both Landlord and Tenants.

Landlords can do due diligence checks and Tenants can consider reviews or discuss the situation with current tenants.

The rule of thumb is that tenants do not have to pay for everyday wear and tear.  However, any costs beyond what is reasonable can be claimed back from tenants.  Damages can be deducted from a tenant’s deposit, or they can be asked to pay for repairs.

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