News & Blog

Who Pays Household Bills During Separation? We Discuss Your Options

5 August 2021

We discuss the importance of maintaining mortgage, rent and utility payments before a decree absolute.

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Can An Electronic Signature be Contractually Binding? We Review a Recent Case

22 July 2021

This post discusses whether an electronic signature can be contractually binding and examines Neocleous & Anor v Rees 2019

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Family law specialist joins Robertsons Solicitors in Cardiff

8 June 2021

Press Release: Family law specialist joins Cardiff matrimonial and children law team at Robertsons

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What is an Employment Settlement Agreement? Things To Consider

6 May 2021

In this blog we discuss the role of employment settlement agreements and what they should contain.

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How Do You Annul a Marriage: How Is It Different from Divorce?

29 April 2021

We explore the difference between divorce and marriage annulment – and how you annul a marriage.

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What You Need to Know about Consumer Contracts: Getting it Right

26 April 2021

We discuss what Businesses need to know about Consumer Contracts and the Consumer Rights Rights Act 2015.

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What is Spousal Maintenance and when is it awarded?

19 April 2021

In this blog we answer your questions on Spousal Maintenance and when it is awarded.

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Commercial Tenants and Break Notices – avoiding the pitfalls

13 April 2021

If tenants are looking to end their lease early, there are certain elements of the lease that have to be complied with.

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What Happens to Their Shares when a Shareholder Dies

7 April 2021

We discuss the importance of having agreements in place to ensure shares are distributed as per wishes.

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The Upcoming Changes to Employment Law That You Should Know

30 March 2021

Employment Law specialist, Will Baird, discusses the key employment law changes that come into play from 1 April 2021.

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Spotlight: Caitlin Kloet tells us about working at Robertsons in the pandemic

29 March 2021

We talk to Caitlin Kloet about working as a Trainee Solicitor at Robertsons during the pandemic.

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When Unmarried couples Separate, What Rights Do They Have To a Property?

26 March 2021

In this blog we look at what happens when cohabitating couples have a property and decide to separate?

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