When you enter into an insurance policy, you are entering into a contract between you and the insurance company. Insurance ranges from domestic to commercial.  For example, car insurance covers personal cars, business cars and vans for accidents, theft and damage.  If your holiday gets cancelled or your baggage goes missing, then holiday insurance will cover this.  Insurance disputes often arise when the individual who holds the policy believes that they should receive insurance and the insurance company disputes this.

Obtaining payment when you make a claim on your insurance policy can be extremely long and complicated. You may know this from experience and often you will not agree with the sum of money on offer. Negotiating with the insurance company can make matters even more drawn out.  Insurance policies are, in effect, contracts that have been made.

In certain circumstances (such as car accidents) you may find that more than two parties are involved.  This increases the complexity of the case and means that more financial investment in the court process must be made.

How to settle insurance contract disputes

Many of the disputes that arise over insurance are often due to disputes in the wording of a contract. One side of the dispute has interpreted the contract in a way that the insurance company may not have intended. Resolving this wording through consumer mediation can be considerably quicker than a full court hearing.

There are many aspects to insurance disputes.  This includes policy avoidance, damage to property, issues concerning coverage, and product safety. However, if you had a contract in place and dispute the refusal of insurance pay outs, then your mediation will be based on a contractual basis.

Consumer mediation is one of the best ways to come to a resolution over insurance contract disputes without having to undertake court proceedings. A mediation session between the policy holder and insurance company can bring to light the basis of the dispute. Both sides can then put forward their cases as to why insurance should or shouldn’t be paid out.

If insurance is based on property matters then you may also want to consider the mediation we offer for property disputes.

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