What You Need to Know about Consumer Contracts: Getting it Right
We discuss what Businesses need to know about Consumer Contracts and the Consumer Rights Rights Act 2015.
Commercial Tenants and Break Notices – avoiding the pitfalls
If tenants are looking to end their lease early, there are certain elements of the lease that have to be complied with.
Facial Recognition Software: What Are the Legal Ramifications?
We explore Automated Facial Recognition Software and whether it is data protection issue.
What can Employers Dictate When it Comes to Working at Christmas?
Can staff be made to work at Christmas or made to take holiday at Christmas? Your questions answered.
What is Civil Litigation: One of Our Frequently Asked Questions
It’s a common question. We find out a little more about civil litigation and what it entails.
How can landlords defend disrepair claims made by their tenants?
There are more frequent disrepair claims brought by tenants, but what are the landlords rights?
In Debt? A consultation is planned on giving you more breathing space
With debt on the rise for consumers, will the new Breathing Scheme give more options for help?
The new Pre-Action Protocol for Debt Claims: Does it make business sense?
We explore the new Pre-Action Protocol for Debt claims.
When is a Contract not a Contract? Examining the Legal Formalities
We examine what the law says about the formation of a contract.
Litigants in Person: Is it fair being on your own? We find out.
What happens if you don’t have a solicitor and are a litigant in person?