Employment Tribunals Cardiff

What is an Employment Tribunal?

Sometimes, workplace disagreements cannot be resolved internally, and an employee may need to turn to an employment tribunal for resolution. Here, you can present your case, and your employer can defend themselves. While Employment Tribunals in Cardiff are less formal than court hearings, their decisions are legally binding. If the Tribunal finds that your employer acted unfairly, you will be compensated.

The UK Employment Tribunal is an independent court that resolves legal disputes related to employment law. The Tribunal hears claims from individuals who believe their employer or potential employer has treated them unfairly or unlawfully. Cases can include issues such as discrimination, unfair dismissals, and unfair pay deductions.

How Robertsons Solicitors can help

Bringing a case before an employment tribunal can be intimidating. Our employment solicitors at Robertsons are here to assist you. We provide expert legal advice and support to give your case the best chance of success.

Our team will evaluate the merits of your case and ensure that your claim is submitted to the Tribunal within the appropriate time limits. Additionally, we will guide you through the necessary steps before lodging an employment tribunal claim. For instance, an Employment Tribunal will want proof that both parties have followed the ACAS Code of Practice on disciplinary and grievance procedures.

Why Choose Robertsons Solicitors

Our experienced employment solicitors have a deep understanding of employment law and extensive experience representing clients in Employment Tribunals. We are committed to providing compassionate and effective legal representation, ensuring you are fully supported throughout the process.

Our Services Include:

  • Case Evaluation: Assessing the strength of your case and advising on the best course of action.
  • Documentation: Assisting with the preparation and submission of necessary documents.
  • Representation: Representing you during the Tribunal hearing and presenting your case effectively.
  • Guidance: Providing clear guidance on the steps to take before and during the Tribunal process.
  • Support: Offering continuous support and updates throughout your case.

Contact Us

You don’t have to go through your case alone. Robertsons Solicitors are here to help. Contact us today for questions or support regarding Cardiff employment tribunals. We are dedicated to ensuring your rights are protected and helping you achieve a fair outcome.

You don’t have to go through your case alone. Robertsons Solicitors are here to help.

Employment Tribunal FAQs

The Employment Tribunal handles cases related to discrimination, unfair dismissals, unfair pay deductions, and other employment law disputes.

Usually, you must make a tribunal claim within three months of the incident, but this can change depending on the nature of the application. Tribunals can extend the time limit in exceptional cases, but you should get independent help if you need to go this route. It is therefore imperative that you obtain legal advice as soon as possible.

After you’ve heard the Tribunal’s decision on your case, you must make sure you understand what they said. You are allowed to ask the judge to explain.  If you are unhappy with the decision, you can challenge the decision. However, you’ll need some specialist advice.

Contact us at Robertsons Solicitors to find out if you can get the Tribunal to look at your case again or how you should appeal. We would be happy to help.

Employment Tribunals are less formal than court hearings but still legally binding. They provide a platform for both parties to present their cases.

We provide expert legal advice, assess the merits of your case, prepare and submit necessary documents, represent you during the hearing, and offer continuous support.

Yes, we provide employment law services throughout Wales and the UK. Contact us to discuss your case and how we can assist you.

Costs can vary, but we offer transparent pricing and will discuss all potential fees with you upfront. We aim to provide affordable and effective legal representation.

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