News & Blog

Who Will care for your children?

21 November 2018

We recently celebrated Self-Care Week and it got us thinking here at Robertsons Solicitors. Are you taking the right steps to ensure your own care is looked after? Not only that, but are you putting the rights steps in place to ensure your children are cared for should you pass away?  Recent data released by […]

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What is a civil partnership?

22 October 2018

Theresa May recently announced that all couples, whether same or mixed-sex, should be entitled to the same choices in life. But what was she talking about? Shortly after her statement, the Prime Minister announced that mixed-sex couples are going to be allowed to enter into civil partnerships in England and Wales. Currently, in the UK, […]

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Divorce: a call for change?

24 September 2018

During the last few months, there has been hustle and bustle in the news regarding divorce. But, if you’re not quite up to date with all the action we’re here to reveal all. So, what’s been going on?  At it’s simplest, the Government is seeking to end the ‘blame game’ within the divorce process. This […]

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I do… to I’m done!

21 August 2018

First comes love, then comes marriage then comes divorce. This pattern is becoming increasingly popular within the UK! It sounds like divorce is an easy procedure, sign a few documents and you’re divorced, right? Wrong. It’s not always as straightforward as you may think as there is only one legal ground for divorce and that […]

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Is that your age?

23 July 2018

It came to light recently that age discrimination still very much exists. A report that was published earlier this week has announced that the UK Government and the Equality and Human Rights Commission (EHRC) are failing to enforce a law on age discrimination. More than a million people over 50, who are seeking and willing […]

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Cardiff solicitors warn of looming incapacity crisis in light of national report

6 July 2018

98% of people in Wales leave important health and welfare decisions to chance A staggering 67% of people incorrectly believe that their next of kin can specify what they would have wanted if they are no longer able to 71% would like a family member to make medical and care decisions on their behalf, in […]

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Is it time to take the plunge?

21 June 2018

If you’ve been keeping up with the news recently, you might have heard of the recent court case involving a plumber, Gary Smith, and his fight for employment rights against Pimlico Plumbers. The plumber fought for his right to be considered a ‘worker’ despite his ‘self-employed’ status and filing tax returns to this effect. After […]

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Finances challenged 40 years after divorce

5 June 2018

Birth, marriage, death and, sadly often, divorce, mark turning points in people’s lives, and each can have profound implications that require independent legal advice. In the case of Wall v Munday, a former couple’s failure to formally settle their affairs following the end of their brief marriage triggered a bitter legal dispute 40 years later. The […]

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When Doctors and Parents collide

22 May 2018

When it comes to parents and their children, it is a general assumption that parents know what’s right for their child – whether that’s deciding what school they will attend, what they’ll eat and when they go to bed.  But when a child is terminally ill, wise, trusted and well educated medical professionals will play […]

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You can’t Avoid Nasty Surprises, but You Can Plan for Them!

18 April 2018

Have you ever stopped to think – who would manage your affairs if you could not? Whilst it’s not something we like to think about happening to us, if you are suddenly struck by a severe illness, disability, accident that leaves you physically or mentally incapacitated, you’ll need someone to act on your behalf. Having […]

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Mind the Gender Pay Gap: How Businesses Will Have to Comply

21 March 2018

There will soon be the need for companies to publish their gender pay gap data to be transparent.

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Write the Right Will: Top Tips on What Should be Included in Your Will

22 February 2018

What do you need to think of when writing a Will? We explain some important details that you should consider.

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